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Luck Be an Angel Page 9
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Page 9
Ethan shook his head. “I’m good, thanks.”
Colby remained, staring at the monitors. “Why is the screen so weird?”
“Those are heat signals. You can see the red colors in the bed. That’s your mother.”
Colby grew bored with the monitors after an hour and left to spot his brother. Joshua came in and studied the monitors next. He sat down on the edge of the bed. “What’s going to happen when we catch this fellow?”
“I’m not sure,” Ethan admitted. “He owes you guys something, but I don’t think he deserves to be your father.”
“Me either. You’re the closest thing to a father we’ve ever had.”
Ethan sighed. “I know I don’t deserve the honor either, but I sure would like the opportunity.”
After a long silence, Joshua finally spoke. “Why’d you turn my mom down tonight?”
“We need to get this resolved and then you need to decide if I can be forgiven.” He turned and looked at Joshua. “I would never take your mother to my bed unless I knew it was forever. She deserves nothing less.”
Joshua frowned at the monitors. “You really want to stay?”
“More than anything,” Ethan said.
“You planning to marry her?”
“Yes, and adopt you boys.”
Joshua grimaced. “I’m a bit old for adopting, but the younger boys will love that.”
Ethan turned to the monitors. “Thank you, Joshua. This means more than I can ever say.”
At two AM, Joshua yawned. “Watching these monitors is worse than watching paint dry. I’m going to make sure Colby is awake.”
Ethan nodded and continued to watch the monitors. He heard the door close and assumed Joshua left. Thus, he was surprised when he heard the bed creak a minute later. “I thought you left…” he turned and spotted a giant winged Adonis on the bed. “Jesus Christ!”
The fellow with an all-too-familiar face laughed. “No one has ever mistaken me for him before.”
He was the spitting image of Joshua, only a few years older with long, blond hair flowing off his shoulders. Even the tone of his voice was the same. However, the giant wings set him apart.
“Who…what are you?” Ethan demanded.
The creature had the same grin that Little Tom often wore. “I am known by many names: Raphael, guardian of the tree of life; Duma, the angel of Egypt that gave magic to the wizards; Ra, the sun God; Eros, the Greek god of love…take your pick, or give me a new name; I’m easy.”
Ethan shook his head, trying to wake himself up.
“You aren’t sleeping, Ethan Long. You are talking to a being of the sixth dimension. And shaking your head so hard is only going to give you a headache, so be still and listen. You wanted to know who is fathering Sara’s children, so I’m here to own up.”
His giant white wings with iridescent blue tips shimmered as he folded them into his back. “I found Sara when she was eight years old. She was left on her own most of the time. When I arrived, she was inches from crawling into a bear cave with a mother and her cubs. I’ve been watching over her ever since.”
Ethan opened his mouth to object, but Raphael held up his hand. “I know, you think I’ve been a very bad guardian, but you’ve no idea all the constraints that are placed upon us. However, given those constraints, I believe I’ve done remarkably well. Whatever Sara or her children have needed, I’ve managed to get to them, mostly through the endless contests you humans love to hold.”
Raphael scowled as he wrapped his arms around his knees. “However, you have been a pain in the ass. Do you know how many years I’ve been trying to get you here? If you had followed your mentor out here twelve years ago, matters would have been easier on everyone.”
Dear God! Could I have prevented Sara’s years of hardship? When his fiancée broke it off, Darren had offered him a position, but he turned it down, certain the only thing that would save him was submerging himself in dangerous assignments across the globe.
“Save?” Raphael challenged. “I believe your guardian angel would argue with your choice of words. You were intent upon killing yourself, and only her constant vigilance kept you alive.”
Ethan frowned. “I have a guardian angel?”
“You did. But she’s taking a well-deserved sabbatical now. I’ll be watching over all of you from here on.”
“All of us?”
“You’re all my responsibility until our boys head out into the world. Then I’ll make sure they’re matched up with someone good.” Raphael smiled. “I’m very pleased with our boys, but I do wish you’d come earlier. As good as they were, they’ve improved immensely since you arrived.”
“Amazingly, they are great boys, despite their difficult situation.” Ethan frowned. “You do realize that this cannot continue. What you have done to Sara is little more than rape!”
The angel shimmered in outrage. “Nonsense! I saved Sara from an untenable life and an early death! Her step-father intended to sell her to his minister who had the darkest soul I’ve ever met.”
Ethan’s scalp began to itch. He feared the angel might kill him, but he had to speak up for Sara. “And how are your actions different? You impregnate her on a yearly basis without her permission!”
“That would be indefensible if it were true. But you speak without knowledge. The moment I discovered her dire predicament, I came to her and offered her a better life than the road she traveled and she chose it.”
“Then why doesn’t she remember this?” Ethan demanded. “She has no idea why she has a baby every year! Do you realize how you have ruined her life?”
Raphael rose above Ethan, his wings glowing with white fire. “This man, who called himself her father, held firm control over Sara and her mother. If I left her with the memory of her agreement, she would have told her mother and her mother would have told the beast. Thus, I softened her memory of the event so she would think it a beautiful dream. And she does. She loves her sons and they are the purest souls we’ve made in centuries.”
The angel settled back to the bed and shook his head. “I don’t see what you have to complain about. You just said they were fine boys. It’s not as if you can have any of your own.” Raphael scowled, looking exactly like Sean when the other boys told him he was too young to participate. “You should appreciate my help.”
“I’m more concerned with Sara’s health.”
“I have them come out very small so they do not harm Sara,” Raphael explained. “She could have a hundred and be no worse for the effort. Nor can you claim not to like your boys, so why object?”
“Because she is overrun with children.”
Raphael stared up at the ceiling as if asking for help. “Well, had you been the least bit cooperative, you would have been here to help her from early on. The hardest years were the first ones. Now, the older boys help with the younger ones and one more is never a trouble.”
“So would you like me to take back the baby I’ve put inside Sara this night? How about Julius? Should I take him back as well?”
“No!” Ethan cried. “You would break Sara’s heart if you did.”
“And yours. You love Julius, don’t deny it.”
“Yes. I love all the boys.”
“And you will love the future boys just as much.” Raphael assured him. “Sara makes very fine babies.”
A new worrisome thought crossed Ethan’s mind. “There’s no chance of the boys sprouting wings, is there?”
Raphael’s laugh sounded like happy wind chimes. “Not in this dimension. When they cross over, they will almost certainly become powerful angels. But here, they are all human—just smarter and sweeter than the average.”
Ethan took this all in and groaned. “What am I to tell the boys? I promised them I’d put a stop to this.”
Raphael shrugged. “I’m not God, I can’t solve everything. Just try and distract them with plans to marry their mother.” Then he faded away, leaving Ethan rubbing his e
yes and wondering if he’d dreamt the entire conversation.
Chapter 17
Ethan left his room and walked to Sara’s door. Both boys looked up at him in concern.
“Something wrong?” Joshua asked as he and Colby stood up.
“I need to speak to your mother.”
“Now? Can it not wait until we catch this guy?” Joshua demanded.
Ethan gripped their shoulders. “There is no guy. If there had been, you two would have caught him years ago.”
“What about your equipment?” Colby asked.
“It didn’t catch him either.”
“Then maybe we scared him off,” Joshua said.
Ethan shook his head. “That’s not even possible.”
“Why not?” Joshua yelled. “You were supposed to stop this. Why are you giving up?”
Sara’s door opened and she stared out. “What’s wrong?”
Joshua glared at Ethan. “Nothing, Ma. Ethan’s just giving up and leaving us.” He then pushed his way past Ethan and ran upstairs. Colby, after a moment’s hesitation, followed.
Sara locked eyes with Ethan. “You’re leaving?”
Ethan took her hands. “I hope not.” He led her to his room and closed the door. Her eyes focused on the monitors.
“What’s all this?”
Ethan sighed. “This was an attempt to discover your lover and to warn him to stop making babies.”
Pain flickered across her face. “But I told you. There’s no lover.”
“I thought perhaps he drugged you so you didn’t remember.”
She bit her bottom lip. “What did you find?”
Ethan pointed to the equipment. “From this? Nothing. However, while I waited, a very handsome blond angel named Raphael came and introduced himself.”
She sat down on his bed, her face pale, her eyes wide, but not fearful. “Do my boys look like him?”
Ethan joined her and took her ice-cold hands in his. “The spitting image. He admitted he was their father, but he denied that he’s failed to care for them. He claims responsibility for your amazing luck.”
She nodded in understanding. “Something like a guardian angel?”
“Yes. He says he’s given you another son tonight and intends to continue giving you sons.” Ethan sighed. “The only way he’ll stop is if you tell him to.”
Sara frowned and gnawed her bottom lip with such worry that Ethan intervened, placing his finger upon the tender flesh. “You have to tell him, Sara. He won’t stop otherwise.”
She bursts into sobs and wrapped her arms around Ethan. He struggled to understand her words, but he made out a few. “I can’t… don’t ask me… more babies don’t matter.”
Once she calmed, he tilted her face to his and smiled. “Can you take a breath and summarize please?” He frequently asked that of Oscar, who would get so excited when answering questions, he’d leave out half his words.
She took a deep breath and held it several seconds before releasing it. “I love having babies, but I love having you here.” Her eyes welled with tears. “Please don’t make me choose.”
He stroked her cheek. “Sara, whether you have babies and whether I stay are two separate choices. And both are up to you. I am certain Raphael would stop giving you babies if you asked him, and if, upon hearing the truth as to why I came, you want me to leave, I will go. These decisions are solely yours.”
“Wouldn’t you want to have babies with me?” Sara asked.
Her question hurt more than he thought possible. “I can’t have children, Sara.”
“But you’d mind if I kept having angel babies?”
He took her hand and pressed it to his lips. “Not if you truly want more. I have never been happier than my months with you and the boys.”
Sara rewarded him with a radiant smile. “Then it’s solved. You’ll stay and help me raise angel babies.”
“First, I must confess my sins. And then if you still want me, I’ll stay. And if you don’t, I’ll leave.” His heart ached as he spoke the alternative.
“You’ll stay!” she said and hugged him tightly.
He set her back. “Hear what I’ve done first.”
She lost her smile the moment he explained why he’d come. He could only continue by remaining focused on his fingers as he went through his progressions of feelings. He even threw in the angel’s claim that his arrival had been planned and was very past due. When he ran out of words, he waited.
When Sara didn’t speak, he sighed. “The next move is yours, Sara.”
When she rose from the bed and walked to the dresser, Ethan’s hope sank. He was certain a ‘yes’ would have been instant and clear. This indecision was due to her reluctance to cause pain even to someone she wished gone.
He stood. “I understand. I’ll go pack my bags now. But I swear to you, Sara. I will publish nothing about my time here. What I feel for you and the boys is genuine love. I would never do anything to harm you.”
His hand had just touched the doorknob when she spoke. “You said the decision was mine.”
He turned and faced her. She looked upset, but he sensed it was because he had tried to leave the room. “It is entirely yours.”
“Then be still!” She returned to rummaging through her dresser.
A glimmer of hope sparked inside him. Why would she call him back unless she wanted him to stay? But if she wanted him to stay, why would she drag this out? She was too kind to torment.
She squealed with delight and came to him with both hands closed. She held out her right hand as if to give him something. He placed his palm beneath her clenched fist and she dropped something round and metallic into his hand.
“Don’t peek,” she scolded.
He curled his fingers about the metal object.
Sara opened her other hand and revealed a well-worn man’s wedding band. “This is my real father’s ring. He died when I was three. Mama had to remarry ’cause she couldn’t make it on her own. Only my second father wasn’t a good man. According to my Mama, my first father was a kind, hardworking fellow. He loved us both with his whole heart.” She breathed in and gazed up at Ethan. “So it would make me very happy if you would accept my first father’s ring and marry me and my boys?”
Ethan stopped her before saying more. “Yes, I will. But would you not rather do this with a reverend and your boys in attendance?”
She bit her lower lip. “The preacher might try to talk you out of it.”
Ethan shook his head. “Not possible.”
Her hand curled around the ring. “Then let’s do it proper.”
Chapter 18
Ethan stepped out into the dark to call Jacobs. A second later, bright lights flared all around him.
“It’s just the tutor,” someone called out.
He glared at the caravan of vehicles. “Get the hell out of here! You know nothing about Sara and her sons. What’s worse is you don’t want to know. You just want to pass judgment and feel superior.”
“Have you found out who the father is?”
A familiar voice then spoke up. “Does the family know you’re a reporter for the BC Times?”
Ethan focused in on Carlton. So Jacobs had sent his crap reporter down to make Ethan the story. Flashbulbs were going off again.
“Are you planning to be the father of her next son?” Carlton asked.
“Make up whatever you want, Carlton; you do anyway.” He then punched in Jacobs’s number on his cell phone.
“Got the father?” Jacobs demanded.
“No, but I’ve got Carlton here asking me if I’m the father. You promised me if I came down, you wouldn’t send this fool who fabricates his stories. You gave me your word.”
“He’s just backup. As long as you give me the story of a life time, I won’t use him.”
Ethan shook his head. The hell he wouldn’t. “Go ahead and use him. Drag the reputation of the paper down to the Enquirer’s level. They’re here, too. In fact, I bet their reporter will be more
accurate than Carlton.”
“I told you I won’t use his story if you’ve got something better!” Jacobs yelled.
“Great, you’ll only lie and fabricate if all the expensive surveillance equipment didn’t come up with anything. Well, I got zip. The mystery of Sara’s babies remains unsolved.”
“If you write that, you’re fired.”
“I’m not writing anything, Jacobs. I quit. I don’t fabricate stories for editors who lack the integrity to promote true journalism.”
Jacobs was still screaming when Ethan disconnected the line. He stared at the mass of flashing bulbs. “Since you guys really don’t need to stand out in woods filled with bears to make up your stories, may I suggest you return to your hotel rooms?”
Someone laughed. “There aren’t really bears out here.”
Just then, a wolf howled nearby.
“Bears and wolves, fellows. This is the real country.” Ethan returned inside and headed to the kitchen where he found Joshua and Colby drinking tea. “Any left?”
Joshua went to the stove and poured him a cup. “We heard what you said. You really gonna quit your job?”
“Already done.” Ethan sat down and sipped his tea. Damn Carlton for blurting out that he was a reporter. He had no doubt Mrs. Delfin would be here the moment she heard. She’d declare him an unfit tutor and take away the children. “As soon as it gets light, we should drive into Fayetteville.”
“Something wrong?” Joshua asked.
Ethan explained his concern.
“What good will going into Fayetteville do?” the eldest boy challenged.
Sara spoke from behind them. “Ethan’s going to marry us. I asked him and he said yes.”
Ethan stood and faced her. God, she looked so damn proud of herself. He held out his hand and when she put her hand in his, he pulled her into his arms.
Joshua stepped forward. “Ma, did he first tell you he was a reporter?”
Sara nodded. “He told me everything.” She stroked her son’s cheek. “And I fear he’s right about Mrs. Delfin. But once we get married, she can’t complain about his qualifications. Parents don’t need a license to teach, they only need to have…competency.” She grinned with pride at her expanding vocabulary.